Monday, October 29, 2012


Hello again! I really am bad at updating this, aren't I?

Well it's the end of October and Fall is in full swing. I'm already halfway through my first term at Lane Community College, the leaves are red as can be and all over the sidewalks and roads, and everything is pumpkin or eggnog flavored. I love Fall. Currently Erica and I are at the local coffee shop (which is inside a big yellow Victorian house). She's applying for jobs (it is seriously hard in this town to snag employment, with the 30,000 other 20-somethings with all the same skills and experience), and I'm finishing up homework for tomorrow.

Yesterday morning, while preparing breakfast and wondering what to do with our lazy Sunday, my friend Noelle invited us to go to the Mt. Pisgah Mushroom Festival. Um, yes! Directly after finishing a breakfast of spinach/mozzarella/onion/egg scramble with toast and Earl Grey, we all rushed off to a local parking lot to hop on the free shuttle to the festival, which was about 10(?) miles from town.

The festival! O, joyous day! Mossy trees, muddy grass! Tents with fresh-pressed apple cider, hand-made soaps, grow-your-own-mushroom kits, live music, scarecrow contests! What a Hobbit-like endeavor. The Slug Queen herself made a royal appearance!

Our favorite mushroom name.

I was able to snag an organic banana from this wonderful human-powered vending machine!

This house just looked pretty (on the walk home).

Erica being adorable. I don't know why this isn't her profile pic.

And, as a prize for reading this far, check out this awesome jack-o-lantern we happened upon:
BAM. Alright, I better hit the books - or rather, tracing paper, as I still have some art homework to do.

Love and pumpkin milkshakes,
Julie McFly

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