Friday, March 16, 2012

Like Grains of Sand Through an Hourglass...

Is it time to catch up? I've been adventuring much lately and getting to know the neighborhood better. The rain has come back and is here to stay, I think, but it's just as well. Nothing says cozy like torrential downpours.

Preparing for a great weekend - heading over to see Devvin Trainer's band PLEASSURE tonight, then tomorrow night Erica and I are going to see live live live: the influential post-punk band The Raincoats(!), along with newer (but still fuggin awesome) SanFran ladies Grass Widow, AND my Rock camp friend Janie Black's three-piece stoner-rock death-metal queer goodness outfit Tombstalker.
I could not be more excited. THIS will be awesome! and you should click all of those links. Soak up sommadat culture.

And here's some stuff that's been happening lately:

I went to an Occupy protest. See that big-ass yellow banner in the first picture? I helped hold that for the first couple hours of the march. (Followed by so many chants my voice got hoarse:))

Finally took some pics of our apartment. (Erica channeling "virgin" Mary in that last one). Kudos to Ashley C. for the lion painting.

Some Oreos got crumbled into brownie batter. 

A friend's rat gettin' fresh.

I wore this outfit! (I know, I know, I'm basically photo-dumping at this point. BUT LOOK AT THAT SHIRT.)

And last but certainly not least:

Have an awesome St. Paddy's day, I'm sure I will. Stay green. Stay gold. Stay red. Stay true.

Sending love from this rainy place,
Julie o